French Wine Scholar
Who is the course for?
WSET 2 to WSET Diploma certified students or equivalent.
Course programme
Online platform (1 full year access) + an 18 hour course taught by a French Wine Scholar ® certified educator. The programme covers the impact of history, the significance of geological events, the importance of topographical markers and the influence of climatic factors on the wine in the glass.
How is the course held?
You will receive a study book and online access at booking. Online self studies as well as 6 hours online coaching and 12 hours on site teaching and tasting.
Evaluations and certifications
A 60 minutes closed-book examination including 100 multiple choice questions. Passing score is 75%.Once you will have passed the examination, you will receive an official French Wine Scholar ® certificate and lapel pin.
Book your French Wine Scholar ® course ici.