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Niveau 2 de la RVF Academy®

Château de Malessert (Rolle station area) Malessert 4, Rolle

Cours au Château de Malessert (prise en charge gare de Rolle) et en français.


07.10, 28.10, 4.11,9.11.2024

Le niveau intermédiaire comprend 21 heures de cours et inclut un examen de questions à choix multiple de 45 minutes. 21 vins suisses et internationaux seront dégustés pendant le cours.


French Wine Scholar – bilingual English/French

Château de Malessert (Rolle station area) Malessert 4, Rolle

Course in Perroy in English.

Online teaching : (18:30-21:30) - 5.06, 12.06.2024
Onsite tasting : (12:00-18:00) - 22.06, 29.06.2024

Exam first attempt (11:00-12:00): 6.07.2024

Online platform (1 full year access) + an 18 hour live teaching course (online and onsite) with more than 30 premium wines from France tasted. The only certification providing an in-depth insight on wines of France.


WSET® Level 1 Award in Wines

AWC Zurich Höschgasse 38, Zurich

Course in Zurich in English.

07.12 2024

A 6 hours course taught by a WSET ® certified educator that will give you a practical approach to the world of wine. A 45 minutes closed-book examination including 30 multiple choice questions.


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